Fighting Poverty, Drugs and Even Violence, All on a Teacher’s Salary

On March 6, 2018. The New York Times published Fighting Poverty, Drugs, and Even Violence, All on a Teacher’s Salary. In this article, Dana Goldstein argues that teachers demand a 5 percent pay raise. She thinks that the salary of teachers is to low compared to all the work they provide. This article is mainly to inform teacher and called the government to solve this issue.
 I strongly believe that teachers contribute to a big part of a child's life, parents come before of course.

Teachers teach right or wrong behavior to children. They also teach them how to socialize, how to read and write, and how to just be a good citizen. Being a high school student myself, I have a lot of experience with teachers and a lot of respect for all the work they always put in. The average Oklahoma teachers' salary is $44,343, which is ranked 47th in the United States.It’s sad that people who put the most effort in our society are receiving a salary that does not really reflect their work. If we look back in the time teachers played one of the most important roles in the social cohesion.

 She made a good point and strengthen her argument by retracing the evolution of the job that a teacher accomplish compared to the salary of teachers in the same time period. This point is very good because we actually see the perspective of both sides. We can also interpret what is wrong and what is right by comparing the statistics given. For this, I will give her a grade of 90%.
