Lawmakers again take aim at California's tight lid on police shooting investigations

On March 30, 2018. Los Angeles Times published Lawmakers again take aim at California's tight lid on police shooting investigations. In this article, Liam Dillon explains why black lives matter and the issue going on with the police. In fact, that day in Sacramento a young man named Stephan Clark was murder by the police in his grandmother's backyard. We just know that he has a phone in his hand. People protesting describe this act as an abuse of power by the police and are asking for justice.

However, this issue is complicated because in the past lawmakers have tried to find some information but the law enforcement didn't let it happen. They argued that police record must remain secret because of the officer safety. In addition, there is no state that proposed a bill for this problem last year, in another words police lobby is so strong that it might take an enormous work to make the law change.

In sum, the states largest police organization rejected to talk about this legislation. Brian Marvel said that the labor group presidency is going to have a meeting with Skinner next week in order to find a solution to this issue. Skinner said that she won't say anything about this legislation until she starts working on it. This article is interesting because it made the reader question himself about civil right and we can clearly perceive that people are still worried about their freedom and safety in the United States.
